Bookmakers Full list shows all online bookmakers offering sports betting services online right now.
Requirements for such as a bookmaker from the Bookmakers Full List: 1/ provision of sports gambling services as a substantial part of the bookmaker’s website 2 visitors’ visitors of the bookmaker’s website Table legend:
A bookmaker – supplier of online sports B – bookmaker E – betting exchange bookmaker
H – horse racing bookmakers
G – greyhound racing bookmaker
S – spread gambling site
C – cryptocurrency bookmaker A – betting agent (broker)
O – other (atypical) bookmakers
B/ daily traffic – estimated bookmaker’s global site trafficwhen a bookmaker uses multiple sites traffic is calculated C/ target region(s) – primary area (s) of this bookmaker’s action De / ranking – bookmaker’s Global Rank based on its change over the previous three months and everyday traffic
See more: https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=101295297932890&id=100041572592637

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