Betting Books

Thinking in Bets: Making Smarter Decisions If You Don’t Have the Facts by Annie Duke

Annie Duke is a World Series of Poker bracelet winner, the winner of the 2004 Tournament of Champions and the only woman. Now, as an expert speaker and decision strategist, she merges her poker expertise with her cognitive psychology grad work at UPenn. She’s a founder of I Pick, a nonprofit that produces curricula and resources to enhance decision making and critical thinking abilities for middle schoolers.
Thinking in Bets provides a persuasive, and eminently useful way to think about the decisions of life. Annie Duke has written an important, and often humorous, publication which make smarter choices because of this — and can allow you to understand your flaws. You can bet on it.
A book both entertaining and practical learned from tens of thousands of hours of decision making under pressure, as Annie Duke and poker played. At heart, it is about how we distinguish luck in conclusions, how we could enhance the skill part of the equilibrium and skill,while knowing that fortune will play a part.

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